Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ratfink cowards

Jesus H. fucking Christ. When did the Republican Party get so full of ratfink cowards? Norm Coleman doesn't want to be seen with me?? The RNC is going to pull their presidential advertising??? IS THIS SOME KIND OF FUCKING JOKE??? I didn't hear any whining when they were calling John Kerry a lying frenchified pussy four years ago. That poor luckless bastard took shrapnel in Nam for his fucking country and they had no problem ratfucking him until his goddamn ass bled. But now that I'm attacking The One, their panties get all bunched up and they go into a fucking swoon. Un-fucking-believable.

And who does this first-class asshole Norm Coleman think he is anyway. He doesn't want to be seen with ME?? Is he fucking kidding? I don't want to be within twenty feet of that half-queer cocksucker. You think Neiman Marcus suits are the only "perks" he's been getting from that A-rab friend of his? Let's just put it this way: Larry Craig wasn't the only one getting blowjobs in the Minneapolis airport.

These motherfuckers can try to run from me all they want. But it's too fucking late. I'm going to take them down with me, whether they like it or not.

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